Latest Game Updates

While you were busy with dangerous adventures, fighting other Knights and were resting from battles enjoying peaceful professions, some  improvements we would like you to hear about have happened in the World of Ada:

• Simultaneous Summoning of Skeletars

Now, if you have several Skeletar Fianites of the same type in your posession, you can call them in to battle simultaneously, by pointing over the Fianite and click "all" pop-up button.

• New Dragon Food


New Dragon Food has arrived to the Shop shelves! It is designed specially for our always hungry winged companions of levels 36, 40, 44 and 48.

• Improved Tavern Room

Room Tab in the Tavern, where you can rent or even buy Room for storage of your items, has acquired new, much more convenient layout. Now it has become bigger and items from your backpack can be selected by swithcing between tabs.

• Improvement in the unread messages notifications

Recently appeared option to apply "Notifications of unread messages" to selected Tabs has been improved. Now, reports from the Heaven's Voice are not counted towards "unread messages".

• Turn off automatic tracking of the dragon

In the general settings in "Game" tab it is now possible to disable the automatic tracking of the summoned Dragon, if for some reason you do not wish to watch your companion in the battle.

• "Fortune's Favorite" collection


New collection has appeared. It can be completed by adding Reals to your account. Fully completed collection will grant an impressive 15% bonus to the added sum!

Can we have some cool music?
How come the dragons get the posh grub and we get carrots and bread etc..

Kinda Partial to some Salmon myself !!!!
I just see the tavern pop up become big - not the stored space in it.
Great updates... now when do we finally hear any sound in this game?
keep em coming gang :-)
sure would like to hear sound in the game:)
Loving the new updates! It just gets better and better Good job!
P.S I just want to thank admin for their hard work and dedication ">
I love the new layout of the tavern. I was having trouble seeing my back pack stuff.
Do not rush on adding the sound. The game rocks without it, and I will just turn it off anyway.
Finally a Storage !!! Super psyched to store my unneeded crapola!
I wouldnt want any sound or music because with the silence I can listen to the TV, Radio or my own music. But I do like the bonus you get for buying reals although I don't buy too often as I have a weekly budget for this game if I didnt I would go broke lol.
Being able to see the items put in to the tavern better is nice. And whenever I get a dragon I'mma be jealous of that delicious lookin' food. >> Lobster vs. Turnips?
a bit of sound would be nice. maybe some noise when you start a battle
sound is not necessary and after the novelty wears off, people will turn it off anyway.
wow, getting rewards for spending your hard-earned (or hard-begged-for) money...i can see it now "mommy i really need reals in DE it sucks but I have this irrepressible urge to be the best and can only do that buy buying everything in the game!" right...still not dropping a dime here. Great game, tho...more space in tavern is just right!
very impressive, like the new tavern layout. and not having to close dragon following.. PRICELESS!!
Excellent additions all round. But I agree, after 3 months of turnips, a few lobsters would be nice!
very nice this game is the best online i've ever played !!!!!! "> ">
Wow, another great update. The food fills the gap for healing my dragon nicely, no more over feeding. Can't wait to see the next one.
Who can afford $300 x5 in this economy
new options mostly. the new food items are cool.
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