New PvP Quests - Double the Valor!

In peaceful times, when the Dark Gods of Shaab gather new legions to replace the fallen, when Skrags are afraid to leave their Caves, when pirates count their coin, thinking about retirement, best of Adan's best can be encountered fighting tirelessly in the Arena of Honor and on the Seven Bridges of Shadan. Any experienced hero will tell you that fighting other warriors is the best way to develop your combat skills and earn Ranks that unlock new possibilities.

Warriors of level 4 and higher can now receive new PvP Quests from Master Davian and Legate Val-Tar that require more effort but will also earn you twice as much Valor than before! These Quests have a high priority, so they are displayed on top of other Quests and have a red lining.

Warriors who regularly fight in the Arena of Honor and Seven Bridges of Shadan have a higher chance of receiving these new Quests than those who fight there rarely.

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