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Life goes on, the world of the Dragons is constantly changing and developing. It's time for us to tell you what's new has happened in Adan over the last few days: 

 Buttons for "Collections" and "To Reputation"

Now on the right side of the screen, where the selected reputation is explained in details, you can find a new button, "Collections". By clicking it, you will open the collections window, where you can view items that can be collected earning a selected reputation. Also, in the main Collections window, there is a new link "To reputation". By clicking it, you can learn more about the Reputation that must be developed to complete this collection.

Profession Notices on the Map

 Earlier the necessity to perform certain actions within chosen profession (to water the patches, pick up the fish from nets, to clean the trap etc.), was marked on the map only by exclamation marks, and you had to visit a specified location to find out what do you need to do exactly. Now all you need is to put the cursor on a particular icon. A pop-up window will appear over the map, which will show exact chores you need to complete on the current location.

Sections of the gift shop

There is also a new section in the giftshop, Wedding, where we have placed all the gifts, suitable for this important ocassion. Also, figurine of Reliable Defender and a funny Plush Warrior were transferred from the "Celebratory" to regular Gifts tab.

Animated locations

Gradually, more and more locations in the game are becoming animated. Now, in the Game Settings screen you can select "Graphics" tab and tick "Animated locations". By doing so, you can enjoy the beuaty of Helgar's Brewery and Aldorian Road in motion. To open the game settings, click the cog icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

• Clan Tax
As you have probably noticed already, Clans now have to pay Clan Tax, in amount of 10 gold for 30 days. All clan members can access the information about the number of days clan tax is paid ahead at the bottom of the clan members list. Before the time will come, clan members must pay tax in order to prolong the existence of the clan. If the tax will not be paid on time, clan will be disbanded, and all its history will be lost.

happy easter people........
I just wish there were a way to pay a portion of the clan tax without disturbing clan members to hand over the cash. I'd love to have it give me the option to choose how much I pay and have that time covered based on what I am able to contribute. But that's minor, really.
I'm excited for the notices for the various professions
Like the new look!! Each time you add a little more character to the game. Great!! Happy Holidays!!
like the idea of the animation it integrate the characters and the background better
Actually, we had the "paid until" notice on the clan tax yesterday, but seems to be gone now.

Blank spot there.

I love the tabbed gifts thing.
I'm curious to know what our clan tax $$$ is being used for.
to much for the clan tax
the profession thing looks to be most useful to me
It's not that bad. I would like to suggest that the shop be made specific to localities meaning that it sell special items in different cities/towns/villages. That way there can be more diversity to what everyone buys and uses instead of the plaster that everyone buys.
Sweet, some cool updates :) Glad I'm not in a clan though
I started game few days ago,had bad development and started anew...every day i see something new :)) i m glad for professions notices the most!!! :))))) keep up good work!
Ive played Many MMORPG's, including several years of War of Dragons, and thier off shoot, Juggernaught. Hand down, this game blows them both away. The loot system is fair, and drops seem quite regular. the reputation system is great, and the one of the best PvP battelfield systems on the market today. Two thumbs up for this gamer!
love this game. have trouble getting by some battles, but its challenge. and who doesn't love a challenge?
The clan tax is too high, this deters newer players from building clans and working together. The professional notices are pretty cool though.
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