Sea Battle Statistics
Began: 01.07.2017 09:00 Name: Sea Battle Duration: 39min

Phase I. Pirate Stronghold.

First Team
Player Collected
Kingboxa70 139
Shin Uchiha45 139
rascal6855 138
The Highlander53 120
waele29 41
Second Team
Player Collected
nahalenok34 54
Verik41 49
manueli58 42
communifunction46 39
shefire58 38

Phase II. Cannon Shootout.

Player Transgressions
Kingboxa70 12
Player Transgressions
shefire58 8
Player Direct Hits
waele29 5
Replicant Kingboxa70 4
Replicant Kingboxa70 4
Player Direct Hits
Replicant shefire58 2
Replicant shefire58 0
Verik41 0
Player Deflected
rascal6855 7
Replicant Kingboxa70 6.5
Replicant Kingboxa70 2.5
Player Deflected
Replicant shefire58 4
nahalenok34 3
Replicant shefire58 2
Player Repaired
The Highlander53 3
Shin Uchiha45 3
Player Repaired
manueli58 7
communifunction46 6

Phase III. Boarding.

First Team
Player Damage Experience Kills
rascal6855 50143
30693/0 2/1
Shin Uchiha45 42246 16651/4762 1/5
Replicant Kingboxa70 40143 0/0 1/2
Replicant Kingboxa70 36253 0/0 1/0
Replicant Kingboxa70 35968 0/0 2/3
Replicant Kingboxa70 32925 0/0 0/0
The Highlander53 32407 14374/4416 0/4
Kingboxa70 31742 0/13373 3/0
waele29 301 71/0 0/0
Second Team
Player Damage Experience Kills
nahalenok34 66442
4885/0 4/2
Replicant shefire58 30588 0/0 0/1
Replicant shefire58 29594 0/0 0/2
manueli58 25828 5698/2174 2/0
Replicant shefire58 25301 0/0 0/0
shefire58 24835 6128/2451 1/1
Replicant shefire58 24463 0/0 0/0
Verik41 23000 1922/0 0/3
communifunction46 20655 2390/917 1/4