Tell me about your Nephs))

Do you have top Witch or Pal - Nephs? Or here everyone mostly use Zerk?
mostly zerk
Yeah I see mostly zero. I have witch, thought the change up on spells etc would be good. Seems like I should have zerk my neph
Zerk neph... it's just better all around in arena and war where timing can get u rich aka arena fights under 5m or where timing can get u in and out of fights where u can do ur dmg quick but still have a impact and able to defend quicker..
The best choice is... have all three!)
I am zerk but have Witcher neph ( created and upgraded before there were spells, I would completely do over and pick zerk next time as spell mastery and buying a whole witcher outfit was fun but a pain!). Eventually will have all 3 when enough mounts and pack space
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I think they all have merit :) but I prefer the zerk only because it hits hard and dies fast. ^^
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